Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Be still

A world of voices. From every street corner to every hallway, we are surrounded by voices. Voices which encourage, voices which tear. Voices overlapping, rising, twisting, and crawling over each other to form an un-seemingly untamable monster. Voices trying to get to us. What can we do? They surround us. No matter where we go or where we hide, the sound follows us. Pounding, slamming, churning, and crashing around as water beats against the rock. How can one listen? How can one be sane?

Stillness. Quietness. Soundless. Motionless.

What strange concepts in our runabout lives. Where can these be found?

In the empty building? No - the lifeless metals somehow speak. In the secluded forest? No - the leaves and breeze continually converse. In the highest of highs, or the depths of the deep? No. We can never escape the sound.

Yet we are told to be still. To be still and know that He is God. To be still and listen to His voice. To be still and simply be, not necessarily do. To be quiet, to silence our thoughts and hearts.

To stop.

To realize this life is so much more than going from point A to point B. To realize we do have a purpose, even though we may get lost trying to finding it. To realize how much we really don’t understand. To realize we are not god. To realize the sun does not rotate around us. To realize there is more than what we can see.

To realize there is more without sound.

What if our greatest questions, our greatest fears, were to be answered in the stillness of a moment instead in the vibrations of the air. What if we stopped speaking and simply listened for more than sound. What if we listened for God.

God did not come in the great whirlwind. God did not come in the earthquake. God did not come in the storm and the thunder. In the still, quiet voice He came. In the silence.

Our every answer could be waiting for us in the silence. Our wants and needs of the soul could be found not in the melodies, not in the harmonies, not in the voices of beauty, but in the silence. The realization of listening for God. Of being still.

In His stillness, we find our escape. We find our hope. We find our answer. Even if the answer is different than what we were looking for.

We are commanded to be still. To be still and know He is God. To stop looking for our answers and begin to listen to His solutions. To know we can not do this on our own. To realize He is, and we are not.

To not say, to not speak - but to know He is God.

May we be surrounded by His silence.

May we be still.

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