Monday, April 25, 2011

Off we go!

The letters have been sent, the Lord has provided, and tomorrow I will find myself on an airplane to Atlanta for 5 days of training. Where did all the time go? What am I getting myself into? There are many questions in my mind. As my nerves, anxiety, fears, or whatever they are begin to rise in me, I cannot settle my spirit. As if I have ever been able to do so. But this is no new knowledge.

While listening to Matt Chandler, pastor of the Village Church in Austin, I was reminded this one fact: I am not awesome. For everything I can do, for every accomplishment I have achieved, I am not awesome. I really cannot fix my own problems.

The Greeks have known this from the very beginning. In Greek mythology, when the gods created man, they instilled in them a special knowledge: knowledge of their death. I do not mean the idea that "you will die," but the very year, month, date, and time of their death. From the story, man became so dismayed at this information, he folded into himself and did nothing. Man knew his limits and bounds. Now there was a Titan named Prometheus, who became close to the creatures known as man. Opposing Zeus and the other gods, Prometheus gave man three gifts. First was taking away the knowledge of mans mortality. The writers penned "Prometheus caused blind hopes to live in the hearts of men." He gave man the blind desire to overcome and be more than man could possibly be, and the last gift Prometheus gave man was fire. This is technology, to make food, weapons, and a way to correct the world around me. A way to fix what was wrong. This was all behinds Zeus' back.

Zeus later looked down upon the earth and became enraged when he saw that man had fire. He took Prometheus and explained to him because man lacks foreknowledge, because man could not see all that is, man would cause himself more problems in this state than the previous. So Zeus chained Prometheus to a rock, and sent buzzards to eat his liver, which grew back every day.

Greek mythology is awesome at identifying the problems, but is not able to offer any solutions. The Greeks were trying to explain how mankind understands mortality, yet we do not feel the weight of it. We don't think we are going to die today. Or this week. Or honestly, this year. We act like gods, because we do not think about how our actions today can make a mess of tomorrow.

Every problem we try to fix, we create another problem. From technologies we feed our time into, from antibiotic use leading to more resistant strains, and even the use and abuse of nuclear energy, man has created more problems trying to fix what is wrong. The greeks are saying we are not the answer. Our Bible says the same thing. "All mankind stands as a mere breath." We know this is true. None of us could give us the name of our great great great grandfather. Even if we showed you his picture. And thats our family. And that will also be you in the blink of an eye.

We are a millisecond in the span of history. We are so limited in our scope, we don't know whats going on at our house, our car, our work, or even whats happening behind us. But most of the time, we forget this, because our culture tells us we are great, mighty, and must grasp the power within. Don't believe me? Walk into a book store. Self-helps books. When did we start becoming such great repairers? When did we become fixers? We only try to numb our problems for a second.

I am not awesome. And this is the foundation of our joy. We must go outside ourselves to something else who has the time and scope to fix out problems. Romans 8 - "the mind set in the flesh is death. The mind set on the spirit is life and peace." A grid of moral behaviors leads to death. Christ's life is the fulfillment of the law. His crucifixion pulls off the wrath, and the resurrection is the washing clean of us before the Lord.

No matter what problem I go though, I cannot fix it. I need someone who can transcend my weaknesses. This is only found in the body of Christ. May this remain in my heart and mind this summer in the Philippines, as the Creator continues to fix and mould me. Only the Lord can settle my spirit.