Wednesday, April 21, 2010

out loud

Talk about staying busy. I never would of thought the spring semester would of been this hard. But its all good - pressing toward what is ahead. Finals, Spain, and then finally, Japan. Lord give me strength. I really can't believe all that I will be experiencing and doing this summer. For Japan - its going to be awesome. We will be doing real mission work the entire time we are there. Our life in Japan will be the mission. As it should be in our everyday lives.

Today I had my application/interview for MLC (Ministry Leadership Council, or Major League Christian as one of my BSM guys said) and it went great! I knew all of them except for one, and it was great. Just to hear myself think out loud is a good thing.

What if we were to think out loud more often? You see, when we think to ourselves internally, we are still inside our own little world. Im still in the world of dan when I speak into the expanse of my consciousness. But what if I was to think out loud more often. What if I was to take my ideas, and instead of keeping them inside the world I create, to let them out into the real physical world.

Some ideas would be freaking amazing. Some ideas would seem plausible. And some ideas, well, lets say we would see them in a new light. Aka some ideas would be stupid. But how much better to say the idea and find it to be stupid than to live it out in the quiet of the mind. Speaking it out makes the idea more real to us.

What if this is a side benefit to sharing our faith? Now I know the main fact of why we share our faith is so that God can be glorified, so He might bring more into his fold. Salvation is for the glory of the Lord. But what if it by sharing our faith, by speaking what we believe on the inside, our faith becomes more real to us? The more we speak of what has happened inside of us, the more real it becomes. And the more real it becomes, the more we continually life it. For James 1:22 says "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. "

We are called to live out what has happened on the inside of us. And as for me, the more I speak about that which Christ did in me, the more it becomes real to me.